You have 30 Physical Points and 20 Magical Points remainingleft. And you haven't chosen a familiar yet.

Magical Dojo WIP

by /u/monogreencontrol

This is a test page

You have 30 physical and 20 magical points to spend. You also get one magical familiar of your choosing to aid you on your quest.


Your default height is 5'6"
You may spend points to grow taller or gain points by sacrificing some inches. Only up to 16 inches may be gained or lost this way, but other perks may influence your height even further.

1 inch is worth 0.5 physical points

5'6" tall


Are you a boy?
Or are you a girl?

Prof. Oak asked because he couldn't tell, we ask because you genuinely have the choice! Boys usually have a physical advantage, but girls are on average more adept with magic. Doesn't mean you can't be whatever you want, nobody's keeping you back.

Just be yourself. Or not. Whatever tickles your fancy.

You are a boy


choose one

The Raven

Friend to the dark and broody.
Very knowledgeable, but not much of a fighter.

The Raven supports you with great advice in many situations. In battle he will give valuable information about potential weekpoints of your foes. Outside of it, he supplies you with knowledge about secret plans, potential ambushes or betrayel.

While he generally is a good judge of character, he is suspicous of anyone but you and will scoff at you for your trust in even close friends or family members. Always speaking the truth, he will reveal even lies the smallest lie anyone utters towards you. Even the inconsequential ones you didn't really wanna know about...

Will never speak to others.

The Kitten

A bundle of joy and sunshine
Very cute and playful, but needs a lot of care

This little darling has an aura of happyness and uplifting energy. Playing with her not only cheers up even the grumpiest of characters, it also refreshes like a good night's sleep. A true motivator that fills you with confidence and energy for an upcoming battle!

She's pretty demanding for her size though. There should always be bowl of fresh milk and a variety of meals like salmon or chicken at the ready. She will also need at 2 hours of attention every day. A collection of toys and scratcher is required to keep her interested during playtime.

If you fail to meet her expectations, the kitten will grow unhappy over the time of weeks and her aura will drain you physically and mentally.

Acts friendly towards anyone, even strangers and foes.